Business Coaching program

Marketing by Design

As a Marketing professional with 18+ experience and as a Human Design Coach I can help you with getting the Human Design knowledge to understand your own energetic blueprint and how you can incorporate these insights in your business

Because what is knowledge worth if it is not applied and embodied?
And that is why I created this 1:1 Marketing by Design business coaching program for entrepreneurs. 

I am here to kick start your marketing optimization process based on your unique energetic blueprint. But marketing is not only about how you shine your unique magic as an entrepreneur. It is also about your clients and how they behave unconsciously

So let’s have some fun with practical exercises, analysis of your Human Design chart and your ideals clients chart. And then let’s work on conversion optimization in your marketing funnel or client journey.

Are you ready for this exiting journey to make 2024 your best business year?

Learn to apply Human Design in your business

Human design is a great personal development tool to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings and behavior.  Learning about Human Design and your chart can give you lots of insights. But the true magic happens when you start experimenting with your design in your life.
And as a solopreneur you are your business. So gaining insights how you operate can be of great value to your business. How you attract leads, how you communicatie with leads and, how you work with your clients. Perhaps you have hired a Virtual Assistant or assembled a team of freelancers in your business. If you know yourself and how you operate, you can let your unique energy shine in your business. 
One on one coaching with Astrid Heystee
Marketing by Design

Optimize your Marketing Strategy

We make a lot of decisions on a day, especially in business. Your mind will make you overthink issues and you worry about what you’ve said and done in the past or in the future.
But your body is only present in the moment. And that is why making decisions based on your energetic “decision making tool” so powerful. It gives you more self-awareness, compassion and trust in your abilities to make the right decision. In your business you will encounter all kinds of situations and challenges that give you room to experiment with your natural born strategy and authority. Are you ready to practice and learn to flow in your life and business?

Increase the results of your marketing efforts

As a marketing professional I really enjoy the optimization processes. I love SEO and create “funnel magic” with Marketing Automation Tools. Who is your ideal client? What is your positioning? In what environment do you work best? And how do you create a lifestyle of freedom and mold your business to that lifestyle?
If we can optimize your current funnel we can work on conversion compounding. Because tweaking on one area of your funnel or client journey can compounded your conversion metrics and increase your marketing efforts. So you can spend your energy on the things that light you up!
In this marketing business coaching program we look at you, your clients and your marketing strategy! 
And we use the insights of the Human Design System and incorporate these in your life and in your business.

Why choose for coaching?

You as a solo entrepreneur are your business. If you have to tools to step into your power, your business will reflect that energy. The insights of the Human Design System gives us a deeper understanding of who you are, and how your clients operate. Knowledge is power and applying these insights into your marketing strategy is priceless. 
In the online sessions we have to time together to kickstart your Marketing by Design optimization process. As a marketing professional and a Human Design Coach I get help you with the knowledge to apply the insights of your uniqueness into your marketing strategy. I provide a step by step process so you can optimize your work life. We look hands on at your lead funnel and tweak to get conversion compounding that will increase your results.  And I provide accountability so you are making steps in your personal development journey with the workbook and assignments. 

What can you expect?

In your Session #1 reading we unlock:
  • What are the different mechanics of your Human Design chart.
  • What is your energy type and your strategy to get into alignment so you can shine as an entrepreneur.
  • What are the nine energy functions and how you are “wired” according to your Human Design Chart.
  • What are your core competencies aka your natural super powers. 
  • What are your “pitfalls” based on the areas where you are affected by others?
  • What is your decision making tool and how can you apply that in your life and business.
In your Session #2 reading we unlock:
  • What are the strenghts of your channels?
  • How are you design to thrive in a business work environment. Are you more a solopreneur or do you better thrive with a team in your business.
  • Let’s dive into your incarnation cross and how it reveals the clues towards experiencing purpose in your life. What is your ikigai?
In the 1:1 coaching session we dive into:
  • Session #3: Your life, your business, your questions. Ready for action with your personal workbook about your Human Design chart.
  • Session #4: How to learn to observe the Not self talk of your open centers. What themes and “voices” are standing in the way of alignment.
  • Session #5: Learn to reign in your inner critic. Reduce stress, anxiety and fear by using your Human Design authority in your daily travel lives.
  • Session #6 Money by Design, Profit Potential and Selling by Design. We look at the insights of your Human Design chart can help you in creating abundance in your life. 
  • Session #7: Productivity. Let’s do a deep dive into the variables. In what environments do you work best and how do you digest information? As an  entrepreneur knowing about what environment you work best is at least worth 3000 dollars in saved  business expenses. 
  • Session #8: Marketing by Design. How to put the Personal in Personal Branding.
  • Session #9: Let’s zoom in on your public role and which insights we can apply Content By Design to create your unique Marketing by Design Strategy.
  • Session #10: Who is your ideal client? And what can we learn from their charts? Analyses of client charts and what we can learn from that.
  • Session #11: Start to apply Human Design in your business. How can we adapt your current marketing strategy? What does your current lead funnel or client journey look like?
  • Session #12: Conversion compounding and optimization of your marketing strategy in your lead funnel or client journey. Let create some marketing automation funnel magic!
Apply your unique energy in your marketing strategy

Marketing by Design

Business Coaching

2500,-Excl. VAT
  • 12 virtual 1:1 coaching sessions​
  • Human Design Reading
  • Personal 120+ Human Design Ebook
  • Recording of the zoom calls for future reference
  • Conversion optimization funnel & client journey
  • Optimization of your marketing strategy

Ready to let your energy shine in your business?

Are you ready to optimize your marketing strategy?

Then let’s get to work. First we start with getting to know what your Human Design Chart reveals about you as an entrepreneur. Then we look at your ideal clients and what we can learn from their insights. In the next step we are going to optimize your positioning, your lead funnel and your client journey based on the insights we learned from the Human Design in business sessions.
We schedule the marketing by design coaching zoom calls at the end of the first Human Design reading session so it will fit both of our calendars. Are you location independent? I can accommodate different timezones for the coaching calls.  
All coaching is 1:1 and tailor made to your unique design and the questions that you have. 
If you want more information about the Marketing by Design program, schedule a 20 minute matching call
Or shoot me a message at