How can you use Human Design while traveling?

Human Design can be a transformational journey of personal development if you start to apply the insights in your lifestyle. One way to experiment with living your human design is through travel. When you’re in a new environment, you’re free from your normal routines. You also have to make a lot of decisions in the here and now.

Do you follow your gut feeling while traveling?

While traveling there are a lot decisions to be made. Decisions that at home are a lot easier because you have your habits, routines and your daily life revolves around the commitments that you made.

Like work, or taking the kids to school or playing a sports competition with your team.

But when you are traveling the decisions that you need to make on a daily basis are making you break with your normal routine because you are in a different environment.

Questions that you encounter on the road:

What & where to eat?
– Where to go?
– What sights to visit?
– What route to take?

New environments can make you feel overwhelmed with all the choices you suddenly have. What to choose when there are so many options?

Well, your mind and your inner critic might have a say on your daily travel decisions. But did you know that you can utilize your inner body wisdom as well to help you make decisions?

In the Human Design system there is an element called “Inner authority”. And experimenting with your natural decision making tool while traveling can make you feel more at ease with the decisions you make on a daily basis.

It about not making decisions what you think you should do. But making decisions based on what feels good.

To start experimenting with your unique Human Design while traveling might even be easier that experimenting with it at home. Because subconsciously you are perhaps already using your gut feeling on the road.

Or you follow your intuition when you walk into a street that is perhaps a little bit eerie.

Human Design Sacral authority: Gut feeling

I learned how to listen to my gut feeling when making decisions on the fly. As a sacral 5/1 generator my gut feeling is loud and clear. It hums and fills me up with excitement when something is a clear “Yes, let do that”. And if it is a “no, or a not sure yet” that there is no response. If it is a NOOOOO then I feel like my stomach retracts and I feel a heavy response of resistance.

How do I trigger my gut response? A simple closed “Yes/ No question” is they magic trick. Preferable ask by some else. Or how I do it when I am alone, written on a piece of paper. Did you know that 70% of the world populations are generators or manifesting generators?

There are two authorities for people with their sacral center defined and that are:

  • Sacral authority: wait for the response and follow your gut feeling.
  • Emotional authority: wait for the response over time and follow your emotional clarity.
Travel and work with Human Design

Experiment with your personal decision making tool

If you are a manifestor you either have:

  • An emotional authority and your decision making tool is waiting for clarity 
  • A splenic authority and then it’s about listening and your intuition that will only speak softly once in the here and now.
  • When you only have your heart defined in your chart as a manifestor then your strategy is all about listening and following the desires of your heart.
Stress reduction

As a projector there are these inner authority’s:

  • Emotional projector making decisions in time when you have emotional clarity. 
  • Splenic authority where you follow your intuition to make decisions. 
  • Heart authority where you follow your hearts desires.
  • Self authority if your G-center is defined. You need to literally hear yourself speak. So speak up and listen to what comes out of you. Or record your thoughts and voice and listen back to it to find the things that your energy will spark from. 
  • When you have your Ajna defined, but no centers below the throat that you need to sound board your ideas. It about voicing your though process. Ask your environment to be your sound board but ask them to not pitch in their opinions as this is your mental way of decision making. Again listen to what you say to another person and distill what decision you should make for yourself. 

As a reflector it’s time that you need. That would perhaps mean that a lot of decision that require a fast decision is made for you. Answering a question “where do you want to eat tonight can’t wait for a lunar cycle…

Reflect, evaluate, talk decisions over with others and once you know, you know. 

By following your inner authority and experimenting with your decision-making process, you can get a better sense of how your design works for you. Have fun with it. It should be a fun process!