What is the Human Design system and why should you learn more about it?
Are you struggling to understand your true self and how to navigate life effectively? Do you feel like you’re constantly battling against your natural tendencies, unsure of your path or purpose? Many of us face these challenges, feeling lost and disconnected from our true essence. We spend a lot of times in our head, battling with decisions, feeling stressed and anxious.
This lack of self-understanding can lead to frustration, unfulfilled potential, and a sense of being out of alignment with who you really are. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle without knowing what the final picture should look like. Imagine the relief of discovering a system that can reveal your unique blueprint, providing clarity and guidance in your personal and professional life.
Welcome to the world of Human Design. In our latest podcast and blogepisode your host Astrid, a certified Living Your Design Guide and Human Design Coach, unpack the ingredients of this personal development system. Learn how Human Design combines elements of our genetics, neutrino’s, the I- Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakras system to offer a personalized roadmap to self-discovery.
In this blogpost I am taking you on a journey how Human Design came into the world. And I am explaining parts of your Human Design chart. We talk about the types and the the nine centers. We take a look at the pressure centers and the awareness centers. There is more to this of course and if you want to dive deeper into your personal chart, know that I create custom made ebooks about your chart and do online Human Design readings. In two zoom sessions I am diving into the story and themes that I see in your human design chart so you can practically start with observing your inner critic and the stories you are telling yourself.
Understanding how you deal with questions with your open, undefined of defined head center can really be a journalling exercise on its own. And I invite you to take a look at your Solar Plexus center, the center of Emotional Intelligence in this blogpost.
Key Take Aways
- What is Human Design and what is it not?
It is a pseudoscience that combines ancient knowledge past down from generation to generation with epigenetics, our DNA structure, codons and amino acids and the tiny particle known to us called neutrino’s. - What are neutrinos en what research is being done about this tiny particle?
- How did Human Design came into this world? We all got exposed to this knowledge in 1987 but there was one guy, Ra Uru Hu, who had the “design” with the Left Angle Cross of the Clarion and the stamina to receive this body knowledge and brought it to the world after scientist proved in 1991 that neutrino’s existed and contained mass. This prompted Ra Uru Hu
- Who was Robert Allen Krakower better know with his pseudonym name Ra Uru Hu? He was a teacher and had a mystical experience during the supernova of 1987.
- Why should you listen to your body when making decisions? Because you are body and soul!
Curious to see your own Human Design chart?
What centers are defined in your Human Design chart? The 9 squares and triangles are one of the most important elements of your energetic definition according to the Human Design system. Your definition tells you also what type you are. But there is a faster way to find this out!
For the calculation of your human design chart you only need to fill in your birth day, birth time and your birth place in the below form so you can Create your free Human Design Chart. I can calculate charts manually, but this software can do it in seconds! Underneath the graphic of your bodygraph you will find what type you are!
Do you give yourself the permission to be you?
Do you give yourself the permission to be you, or do you want to?
That is the question I want to ask you. Look in the mirror today. Do you wear a mask? And are you tired of wearing that mask to fit into your work place? To fit into your neighborhood? Into your group of friends?
What do you feel that you “NEED” to do otherwise “THEY” might think that your are….fill in the blank here. And who are “THEY”? Do they even exist? Or is it a mental construct in your mind that is based on a deeply rooted fear of not belonging? Not feeling good enough? Not feeling worthy enough?
Well, it you feel like you want to put the masks down. If you feel like you want to discover a bit more of who you are deep down and why you subconsciously do what you do. Then Human Design might be a very useful and practical tool to help you in this process of self discovery.
Human Design is not a label sticking system, a cult or a religion!
Human design, it’s liberating, but it’s the hard work, right? Because it’s the inner work. Deconditioning. It’s a really exciting journey. It’s going to be an interesting journey for sure. It’s not always a nice thing when you start to kind of decondition it.
It also feels like a can of worms popping open. You don’t know what you’re gonna do. So it’s not all rainbows and sunshine, but the rewards are, yeah, it’s, it’s kind of like a one way road. But once you start to kind of become more and more and more yourself, you don’t want to go back. That’s at least how I experience it.
So a little disclaimer before we start dive in human design, it’s not a belief system. It’s not religious There’s nothing that I say that you should do It’s just an invitation to experiment with because I’m not you so, you know I give you the keys, but you need to take those keys and do something with that human design is it’s not a label sticking system.
There are some terms to kind of help clarify what we mean because it’s quite a complicated system. It’s a mechanical system and has so many layers, but in the end, it’s not about sticking labels. So just bear in mind when you might want to wander off with it. It’s not something like, okay, I’m just going to give you a label.
That’s it right now. It’s something that you will experience once you start noticing your behavior, because in the end, it’s all about observing. Okay. What happens in my life? What happens if I try this thing? And it’s just an invitation to experiment with. It’s not a dogmatic system. It’s something fun to experiment with.
Human Design is not a quick fix!
So we grow in seven year cycles. Given your age, you have already some cycles of seven years, just like me. So yeah, I mean, we picked up a lot of conditioning. You need to be falling in line with the structure, and this is kind of the complete opposite of that. Human design is about celebrating uniqueness, because we have learned to be like everybody else, but we’re not like everybody else.
We’re very unique, and this system really celebrates uniqueness in that sense. And of shedding some conditioning. So let’s dive in. What we also see is that our society is becoming more and more individualistic. So the collective systems that our parents could rely on may not be happening in the future anymore.
We see it in everything, right? So. Knowing who you are, personal development, it’s always a good investment because it’s about, you know, knowing how you operate. And once you know how you operate and what you need and where your boundaries are and how you interact with others, yeah, that can be really beneficial for work, but also, you know, in relationships, life.
I’m going to give you some keys, but it’s up to you if you do something with those keys.
Nice to mee you! I am a 5/1 Sacral Generator
A little bit about me. Hello, I am Astrid! I am a 5 /1 Sacral generator, which means I have a constant work energy. It’s like a motor that every time that I wake up, my battery is full. And we’re essentially kind of like the workhorse here in society, just builders, just happily doing, doing things.
That’s my Generator energy.
I am a certified Living Your Design Guide, Business and Human Design Coach. I started my location-independent journey 6 years ago and had to learn the hard way that you need to listen to your body if you want to maintain your health and your freedom.
I host Human Design embodiment workshops, Teach the Living Your Design program. I have a group coaching program The Hexagon of Freedom where look at creating a stress free travel and work life. And I work 1:1 with entrepreneurs who want to use Human Design in their marketing and business strategy.
I am all about empowering you to accept, embrace and improve your self worth and confidence.
With a practical approach that intertwines self love & self care, health, mindset, inner work and business strategy I work together with my clients in the creation of a stress-free lifestyle.

This is my chart

How did the Human Design system came into this world?

Once upon a time, there was a supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was on January 3rd in 1987 and it was actually the first supernova that we observed since we could observe the stars.
What happened there on earth is that we got exposed to a lot of a material that’s called neutrinos. If you where alive at that time, you had access to the same information that we got “showered in”. The thing is…we don’t really know a lot about neutrinos just yet. And in 1987 we had no proof that Neutrino’s actually where real. It was predicted in theory since the 1950’s when the manhattan project was developed dropping the bombs in Japan. But neutrino’s where a theory, not a proven fact at the time of the super nova.
Neutrino’s is something that science is very much interested in because we know it exists. It is proven, but yeah, we have no clue about what it completely is. There is a CERN project called Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment trying to get answers about this tiny particle in our universe.
Human design is all about neutrinos. So basically what Human Design proposes, and that’s kind of the science element to it, is that neutrinos don’t only carry energy, but they carry information as well.
There’s a lot of science being done at this moment about neutrinos. On Antartica there is a Neutrino Icecube observatory project that is doing a lot of research with neutrinos, and there’s a lot of science about it.
Human design is, in that sense, a pseudoscience because it predicts that neutrinos have mass and that it has information.
But that information puzzle piece and the practical application of that in personal development is not something that science is interested in just yet because they just look at the energy part of the neutrino particle.
But according to the “voice that Ra Uru Hu had an encounter with during that super nova we live in a neutrino ocean that is filled with energy and information.
It’s a particle that’s so small that we can’t see it, right?
And everything that we can’t see, it’s hard to believe. But then again, if you look at a microwave and you put some food in it, you don’t see the microwave working, but you do get food that’s hot. So, I mean, we see the effect of it, but we don’t see what’s happening, right? And that’s kind of what happens with neutrinos.
There will be a lot more research done in the coming years, and we don’t know what we don’t know.
But human design came into this world during that supernova.
This guy, Ra Uru Hu, he had a weird experience. He might have had a really big LSD trip, right? We just don’t know. He passed away in March of 2011.
But the information that he shared and the amount of people that are experimenting with it and the validity that people find in some elements in Human Design, it’s quite accurate.
We just don’t know what happened there, but we did get a whole lot of information. All I can say, it’s weird. There’s like a YouTube video about it, the way you watch it is just like, I don’t know, I’m a very ground to earth person. I don’t even consider myself very spiritual, so for me, That was like a little bit too far our of my own comfort zone. But since then I learn to keep a more open mind.
But I had so many conversations with so many people about their Human Design charts. And it’s really interesting because it’s quite accurate in that sense.
So who knows, but yeah, he had an experience and it happened during that supernova.
It was kind of like, he was a receptor for it. He had the Left Angle Cross of the Clarion with his personality sun in the gate 51 of shock. He was a splenic Manifestor with the integration channels that made him very present in the nom.
But basically what Human Design does is synthesizing a lot of knowledge together to create a new personal development system. There’s some generational information that’s been passed through generations and generations.
So the Chinese I Ching has been used since the time of Confucius, which is more than 3000 year old knowledge. The Tree of Life of the Kabbalah is in there. And there is the Hindu Brahman Chakra system in this body of knowledge.
It’s like old knowledge combined with quantum physics and genetics. And there’s a whole lot of biology attached to it and neutrinos. And that kind of created this new mechanical system, which is called the Human Design system.
Who was Ra Uru Hu?

Ra Uru Hu is kind of an artist name, his name before he had the encounter with the voice was Robert Allen Krakower. He was a 5/1 Splenic Manifestor with the Left Angle Cross of the Clarion.
He was a physics teacher, and he was an atheist, definitely not somebody who is very religious. So he went out looking for proof when he had that experience with this “voice”.
It was like, okay, I’m not going to share anything, but anybody, I need to prove this for myself first. And he did a lot of experiments himself, and then he waited basically until scientists proved that neutrinos existed.
And then he was like, okay, maybe I should share this with somebody.
Today, 43 million people are working with human design. It’s becoming more and more and more mainstream. The Washington Post declared it as hot and happening in 2023. But we also see it in business actually coming up.
We have an elementary school here in the Netherlands who’s using human design in their toolkit for their teachers.
Ra Uru Hu his mantra basically was, don’t believe me, don’t trust me, but just test this knowledge for yourself.
The combination of body and soul
I had to learn the really hard way that I need to learn to listen to my body. And basically we have been trained to make all our decisions with our minds, but our minds. It’s filled with all this information, all this conditioning, all these limiting beliefs.
But the body knows, but the body knows more than that we can comprehend. If you look at the nerve system, about 30 percent of all nerves go from the brain to the body and 70 percent goes from the body to the brain. So all the information from our body is being sent to our brain to process. Our body has so much more receptiveness.
So we have our senses, we pick up things, we smell things, we feel things. And that’s all the body’s work. That’s not the mind. The mind is just there to process it. But there’s a lot of wisdom in our bodies. Yeah, we really haven’t learned how to listen to that because we always had a lot of emphasis, especially in the school system about, no, no, no.
The mind is the only thing that matters. No, it’s mind and body, right? So our inner authority is our personal preference for making decisions. Basically you design, if I won’t tell you anything else. Only thing that I want you to walk away with is listen to your body and make decisions based on your body.
Nature versus Nurture
Start to trust and listen to it instead of letting it rule your mind. And already you will see a change in your life because that’s essentially the most practical way to use the system is to start making decisions in a different way. It’s also about nature and nurture, right? I mean, we can do anything we want.
We can go to the moon. We can go beyond to the moon, right? But some qualities are more natural to us than others. So even though we can learn everything and we can do everything, some things are just easier than others. And that’s kind of what we’re looking at. We’re looking at nurture and nature. So your human design chart is your nature and your conditioning is basically nurture.
Specifically, we look at the neutrino ocean, look at, okay, what kind of energy was in the air during your birth and three months before? And that creates your charts. We have body and soul and like the soul comes in human design does believe in multiple incarnations. So the body is here only one time and we’re only in this life in this time, but the soul kind of comes here for an experience and leaves and comes back into a different experience as well.
So that’s something that they proposed. The body comes first and then the soul kind of enters and then that creates this quantum basically. It’s kind of like a forced marriage between our body and our soul or mind. And that’s kind of like. Why we’re a complete person, right? We’re not just a body. We’re also not just a mind.
We’re body and soul!
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