A behind the scenes look at what motivated me to create the Hexagon of Freedom
Join me as I unveil the story behind creating ‘The Hexagon of Freedom’ coaching program in this episode. From my humble beginnings as a digital nomad to the integration of human design in business, discover the journey that led to the creation of a transformative coaching experience, blending community, commitment, and personal growth.
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Key Take Aways
Embarking on the journey of digital nomadism, I realized the need for community en op basis hierop support to navigate the complexities of remote work and travel.
Discovering human design during a period of illness was a transformative experience, leading me to integrate its principles into both my personal life and professional endeavors.
Utilizing human design, particularly the BG5 business language, empowered me to enhance productivity within my freelance marketing work.
The creation of ‘Hexagon of Freedom‘ program stemmed from the recognition of the value in connecting entrepreneurs seeking to leverage human design for personal and business growth.
The coaching program emphasizes the importance of community en op basis hierop commitment, offering participants a structured approach to unlock their potential through human design, with a focus on silencing the inner critic and fostering personal and professional development.
In this episode, I would like to take you a little bit behind the scenes and lift a curtain about why I created my group coaching program, The hexagon of freedom. And what was my reasoning behind it to bring that to life.
So when I started out as a digital nomad five years ago. I did not have any community just yet.
I had dreams and I aspired to be a digital nomad. And I set off my exploratory experiment of a trip to Southeast Asia. And I tried out different things to figure out what I’d like. Do I want to work for my co working? Do I want to work from an Airbnb? Do I want to travel, fast travel, slow travel? And I kind of experimented with that during that trip.
And it was really good to have that experience and also have it as an experiment. But knowing what I know now, fast forward when human design came into my life, when I really made a lot of work of taming my inner critic, when I did a lot of mindset work because I had to let go of all the expectations, when I became sick, six months into my entrepreneurial journey.
And in that recovery process, human design came on my path and since it’s about energy and I was on the couch not having any energy at all, I was like, hmm, maybe that’s something to look into. I need a little bit more energy right now. Little did I know that I would dive into human design, study it, do all the education for it.
And still doing my education. I mean, it’s a continuous process, but if I look back to that first moment when I tried out and that period that before that, because essentially it took me seven years to become location independent. Like, the first seed was planted while I was traveling on my world trip and I met my very first digital nomad in a little cafe, in a little coffee corner in Melbourne.
And that was the first time that I saw, wow, people are actually doing this. And then seven years later, I was actually doing it, but that process, it was a long process, right? It didn’t happen naturally. It was like a process that I have to go to, uh, to become location independent and to work remotely, essentially.
So the program that I created with travel and work with human design, it’s a group coaching program. What I created is something that I wish I had five years ago because that human design is a powerful tool to reduce stress and frustration in your personal life is something that I can share a lot of stories about.
But did you know that I use human design on a business level as well? So I am a marketing professional. I have 15 plus years of working in various corporate marketing roles. And when I encountered the BG5 business language of human design, it’s really, really made me very happy because I could combine a little bit more of the practical side of human design into my business, and I’m not very woo woo.
I think human design definitely opened me up to a whole lot of more on the spiritual side, but I’m a very practical, down to earth girl. So when I Can I learn to the BG5 business language? Because right. Who, who definitely recognize like, okay, if you’re on the work floor, if you say, Hey, based on the position of the planets, yeah, you lost everybody.
Right. I mean, but if you say it’s about leadership, it’s about core strength, it’s about how you are employees and how you are. People in your team can actually function better and be more productive. That is something that does resonate with a lot of people. So, and I really liked that productivity part as well, because when you are working remotely, it’s such a different way of looking at work.
But you do need to make it work, right? Because you don’t want to work all the time if you’re traveling and combining work and travel at the same time, because you do want to enjoy the environment where you are as well. So for me, productivity is something that I really focused on, I think in my, yeah, my, my seven year journey towards becoming location independent.
And to use these elements of the human design system into my business, but also into my life. I mean, that’s really been a game changer and yeah, I wish I had this five years ago. And then when I was in Bangsko Nomad Fest, I realized that there was so much value in connecting entrepreneurs who want to use human design in their life and in their business.
And that’s basically where the idea of creating this program came to life. So this program is built on coaching, human design coaching, life coaching, essentially, community and commitments. Those are the three pillars of this program. Why community? Human design is kind of like a language, right? If you recognize that somebody speaks that language, and you see them identify themselves as a 5 /1 Sacral generator, or a 4/6 manifester, or anything that they say about human design, you’ve instantly feel that there’s a connection because you understand each other on a layer that already reveals a lot about you, right?
I mean strategy, authority, it says anything about how your energy works. It really reveals a lot about how your strategy works. It really reveals a lot about how you would approach somebody and how you communicate with that person, how you make decisions together, how you work together. And yeah, that connecting level of that language that you both speak, which is the human design language, that is something that I just want to bring together into a community.
And then the last pillar is commitment, because I see this happen a lot. I hear a lot in my environment, Oh yeah, I’ve heard of human design. And then I ask, do you do something with it? Is it something that you practice? Is it something that you actively use? And they said, No, I downloaded my chart and then I didn’t do anything with it.
And what that means is basically self help becomes shelf help, right? I mean, it’s It’s useless if you don’t apply it. This is knowledge that needs to be embodied. It’s nice to know information and you can use it on all different levels and also in your business. But if it’s mental and you don’t embody it, then you don’t get the value out of it that it can bring you.
So that’s why I really want to create that commitment piece. Because I could just have done the online environment and I mean, I created the online environment, right? I mean, that’s part of the program to have an online course with it. You can look at the information in your, at your own pace and have some extra resources and extra assignments and reflection questions and journal prompts and everything.
But it’s that commitment piece that’s really important because If you don’t embody it, then you’re not prompted to do anything with it. So for me, why I wanted to create a six week program as well is because this is kind of like a kickstarter, right? It’s not that I can transform your life in six weeks.
That is not what I’m saying, it’s just more that in six weeks I can deliver you the materials you need so you can start unlocking those locks that are locked, right? I can give you the keys, you need to grab that key, put it into your lock, your inner lock, turn the key around and walk to the door, because that’s what inner work is, right?
I can’t do your inner work for you, you have to deal with your own inner backpack and you have to unpack your inner backpack. But that commitment of having a weekly sessions and having that timeframe of like, okay, we’re going to look at some information, we’re going to share experiences, we’re going to learn from each other.
Because one of the biggest things that I really realized in all the training that I got in the human design educational system is that there’s a lot of value into realizing that not everybody is the same as you, thinks the same as you, operates the same way as you, be productive the same way as you.
And hearing those stories, that really opens up a lot of awareness as well. So that’s why I wanted to do that in a group format. So how the program is structured is basically, we start off with a human design one on one reading. So we really dive into like, okay, what does your chart look like? How, how do you operate?
So you have that knowledge about your chart and then the next five sessions are all about the group. So that is kind of how it is structured. And then there’s an online environment as well. And if I go over the modules, what are we going to do? Because that is something, yeah, I’m really, really. It is really about a few things.
So, first, it’s about shutting up your inner critic. Because if you learn how to observe, how to interrupt, and how to bypass your inner critic, That is something that will bring you a lot of benefits in your travel life, your normal life as well, right? Because that nagging voice, the shitty committee, I call it anti chatter, everybody should name it a funny name.
But that inner voice is always present with us, the entire, entire life we are accompanied by this inner critic. And this inner critic is formed because it’s our survival mechanism, right? It’s our inner child screaming at us like, Ooh, you’re going to do something that’s out of your comfort zone. And then that voice becomes really, really, really vocal.
It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone
And guess what? Becoming a digital nomad or becoming location independent with or without a home base. It’s really scary, right? Because you give up your entire nine to five structure, everything that you learned about work, or how you should work, or everything that you learned in the university and school system, of like, this is how your life is meant to be, you kind of discard, and you go onto a different path and look at work in a very different way, so of course your inner critic is going to be very, very vocal, It is something that’s very much out of your comfort space, right?
And especially because if your environment is not really getting you. It’s not really understanding why you make these choices, why you essentially become homeless, right? And that is something that, again, you know, community, right? Finding people who understand you on that level, that you don’t have to justify your actions.
That will actually cheer you on and help you and guide you and find your like minded tribe. That is really, really valuable. So that’s, again, why I created it around a community. Or a growing community, that is kind of what I say.
So every time that community is going to grow and grow and grow.
Interested in learning more about the Hexagon of Freedom?
Click the link below to read more about my coaching program:
Hexagon of Freedom Coaching Program for Digital Nomads
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