How to get your Human Design chart?
In this episode Astrid explains how to get your free Human Design chart. Then she gives a quick overview of the elements you see in your chart.
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Key Take Aways
- You will need your birthday, time & place to create your chart.
- Your definition in your chart is shown in the picture based on the 13 positions of the planets on your birthday en approximately 3 months before that.
- There is a lot of information displayed in the text above or next to the chart.
- The picture can seem overwhelming but in the podcast we will dive into the elements step by step in the coming episodes.
Welcome to Palmtree Talks. A podcast dedicated to creating a stress free life. My name is Astrid and I am the founder of palmtreemoments.com. I invite you to join me to dive into the personal development system called Human Design. Let’s talk about Travel, Business, Mindset, Self love and Stress reduction. And how to translate the insights of the Human Design System into your travel and work life. Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. Wherever you are listening from. Welcome to this new episode of Palmtree Talks.
In this episode we dive into how you can get your free Human Design chart.
Your Human Design Chart is based on your birthday, your birthplace and your birth time.
Go to palmtreemoments.com, my website and navigate to “Free Resources” and click on “create your own free Human Design Chart”.
Fill in the form and you will be directed to the right source.
You will also get a few emails from me explaining your chart and how to read the basics of it, since it is a pretty complex system.
In the form fill in your day, the month and year of your birthday.
Then the form asks for the hour of your birth and the minutes. Please note to use the 24 hours time scale. No AM or PM in this form as it is used globally.
I do get a lot of questions about how important the birth time is because not everybody knows there birth time.
The short answer is: yes it is very important. And I will tell you why.
The Human Design system has many many layers. It is a mechanical calculation of the position of the planets and therefore how they affected the neutrino energy stream.
The tiny tiny little particle that most scientist refer to as “dark matter”. There is still a lot to figure out by quantum astrophysics about this particle, but we do know that this tiniest particle of the universe contains mass and energy.
The Human Design system proposes that it contains energy and information. And the mechanical calculation of your chart is based on this data.
So if you want to know how you are energetically wired, than the more specific your birth time is, the more trust can you place in the accuracy of your chart.
In the Human Design system we work with gates, that have lines and then color, base & tone. Resulting in billions of combinations.
There are 64 gates with 6 lines each. That is a total of 384 lines. We get 70% of our energy from the sun and the sun “travels through the wheel aka the Rave Mandala” in about 6 days.
If you happen to be born on a time where the sun transits to another line you might end up with a completely different combination of your “definition” in your Human Design chart.
So within a few minutes you can have a different profile for example.
I am aware that what I am telling you about this piece is quite advanced information. If you will follow my podcast I will try to explain step by step what this all means, But for now the conclusion is yes, your birth time is really really important.
So for many people this is the first step, figuring out when you are born.
The easiest way to figure that out is to simply ask your parents if you have that ability to do so.
Giving birth is a pretty memorable life event so I am sure that your parents might recall what happened on the day that you where born.
If they don’t know for sure, perhaps you can get a “morning, afternoon, evening or night” reference that might help you narrow down the time period.
And at least it’s an interesting conversation starter to have a deep conversation with your parents about how you entered this world!
Another option is to look for your birth announcement card. The birth time might be written next to your weight & height.
A third options is to ask your local government for your birth certificate. You where registered when you where born and the government keeps a records of your birth in their database.
If all options fail, do an estimated guess. You can run your chart multiple times for free. So then a good option would be to fill in 8 o clock in the morning, 2 o clock in the afternoon, 8 o’clock in the evening and 2 o clock in the night.
When you have your four charts downloaded, you can compare them and see of there are any visible changes.
Look at the “Profile” and look and the black and red lines in your chart.
The last data you need is your birthplace in the form of the country and city. This is used to calculate the timezone so the software system can calculate your chart back to Greenwich Mean Time.
If the system doesn’t pick up the village or town that you where born, choose a nearby city in the same timezone. And you will get the same results.
Alright, so then we have all the information in place.
You can click on calculate. And you will see a picture and some text on the screen.
And that’s it.
Click on download so you will have a PDF version of your chart stored on your mobile or your laptop.
You can fill in this form multiple times so you can download your parents, friends, siblings, partners.
Even grandparents because you can run a chart with this free system until 100 years ago.
I actually ran my grandparents charts once and even though they died I could still decipher their charts and have deep conversations with my parents about their personalities.
So it’s pretty cool to dive into this free resource.
So then you have your chart in front of you. If you do not have your chart just yet. Pause this podcast and go fill in the form now so you can follow along.
You will see a title called “Your Human Design Chart” and underneath there is an image shown.
I can imagine that the first that you see this image, it does not say a whole lot to you. And that is okey. If you follow this podcast series we will go over the basics step by step.
The image shows your definition. And that is the sum of two data sets. Your black personality gate activations on the right. And your 13 design gate activations on the left. The black is based on your birthday and the red is your design date about 88 days before your birthday.
Basically it shows us the positions of the planets, starting with our sun at the very top of the list. The cirkel with the cross is the symbol for the earth. Then we have the moon. The north node and the south node, these are astronomical points in the sky, not planets. But you might recognize these two points from astrology.
Then we have Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
And all the way down t Pluto. And these are the planets based on your birth time. The Human Design systems is from the early nighties and in that time period Pluto was still considered a planet. In 2006 the status of Pluto was downgraded to a Dwarf Planet. But, since I lived in the town, Flagstaff Arizona where in the Lowell Observatory Pluto was discovered, in my book Pluto will always remain a planet to me!
Anyway, getting back to our chart. Okey, so you see the 13 black number of the right and the 13 red number of the left.
These numbers corresponds in the chart that is displayed in the middle with all the 64 gates. This is an element from the Chinese I-Ching and that is 3000 year old wisdom about the themes of life. The gates are place in the 9 squares or triangels that we we call “centers”. This element comes from the chakra system. Note that according to the Human Design system we evolved from the 7 chakra beings to 9 chakra beings.
You will see a purple round at the corresponding gate and either a black of red line that comes from that gate number. Or perhaps you see a red and black striped line. That means that you have the gate double defined, both in your design and in your personality.
Maybe you see a long red line connecting two centers together. If that is the case the center has a color. That means that two gates form a connection and energy flows here. We call that a channel. They kind of turn the center “on” like a light bulb. And we call this a defined center. If the center is white but you do see some purple gate in that center this is an undefined center. If there are no purple gates in a white triangle or square than we call this an open center.
You will also see 4 arrows pointing either to the right or the left. We call these the variables or the four transformations. This is one of the most deep layers in the Human Design system. But for digital nomads, location independent entrepreneurs and travelers this is a very interesting part because it shows in what kind of environment you thrive. I will come back to this topic later when we got the basics down!
These line aka your definitions tell me, as a Human Design & Business Coach a lot. And if you want to get some help decipher your chart, well that is what I do for a living.
Anyway, there is also some text next to your chart image.
Let’s start with Type. There are 5 options here. There are four types and one subtype.
You will either see Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector here.
No type is better than the other. Some types are more frequent than others but there is no right or wrong in this system. It is just what it is. There is only one you and you have a unique definition. It is not likely to encounter anyone that has the exact same definition as you. Even twins born close together might share the same personality characteristics, but still the energy shines different through them. With the special software that I use for clients when I do a reading I can dive deeper into the layers of color base and tone. And it really fascinating to look at charts of twins, I can tell you that.
You are completely unique, so celebrate your uniqueness! Do not compare yourself with others. Because there is only one you and it’s all about embracing who you are.
Going back to Type. Every type has a certain strategy attached to it. This is how you navigate through life.
Remember that I talked in the first episode about that we are all a boat drifting on the ocean and that the Human Design chart can act as manual. Well strategy is the way to navigate. Where as inner authority is the way to make choices about going left or right. But your strategy is attached to your type.
We will definitely dive deeper into this in a future episode. Because this is really what it comes down to. It’s type and strategy and authority. That’s it. That is the basics and the beginning of Human Design. All the other stuff is just really cool and lots of fun mental information to dive into. But if you really want to start applying Human Design in your life it is Type, Strategy and Authority.
Underneath Type and Strategy you see the not-self theme.
You can see it als an alarm bell actually. When your drifting off course, when you are not in alignment, you will feel this feeling.
So you’re not self theme can really help you to kind of see when it is time to make new choices in your life. And again, it’s connected to your type. So depending on your type there is a certain Not Self theme.
We will dive into that a little bit later in this series.
Then we see the Inner Authority. And the Inner Authority is based on the centers which are on and off and how they are wired. And there is a hierarchy. It tells you a lot about how to make decisions.
Mine is Sacral. I have a Sacral authority. Also what makes me a Generator. But what that means is that I am really good at following my gut feeling. My gut feeling is my one key that shows me how to make decisions. From a body standpoint of view. So not with a mental decision but what my body wants, it is all about gut feeling for me.
Underneath that we have the Profile. And the profile are two line numbers that you can see after the dot of the gate number from your personality sun and your design earth.
So I am a 5/1 and you can see that both the earth and the sun on my Personality side are a 5. And then on my Design side I have a 1. That is why it is a 5/1. So personality first, black first. Because that is what we can identify with. And then Design because that is unconscious. Black is conscious, Red is unconscious. So 5/1.
And your profile is something that is really, it is kind of like the costume you are wearing. It is like why everybody is behaving so differently. We experience the exact same situation but everybody deals with it differently. That is what Profile does.
Perhaps you have seen people identify themselves on LinkedIn with their Human Design information. And the would say “Heey, nice to meet you, I am a 5/1 Sacral Generator.
So that is my profile with my Inner Authority and my Type.
And for people who are a little bit more familiar with Human Design this already gives them a lot of information.
The last two items that are shown are “Definition”. This tells me how you digest information. And you have a few options here. It is either Single, Split or Quadruple or Triple Split. And this has everything to do with how your centers are connected. And how the energy flows in your chart.
And then the last piece of information that you will see on this part is the
Incarnation cross. These are 4 gate numbers. The 4 gate numbers from your Personality sun and your Personality earth and your Design Sun and Design Earth. You will see a text with is either left angle or right angle. I am a left angle Cross of Healing. Then you see 4 numbers. I am a 25, 46 and a 58 and 52. And that is my Left Angle Cross of Healing. Incarnation Crosses give you a hint of your purpose in life. But again, this is a very deep layer of the Human Design System and since we are still covering our basics here, let’s not worry about that for now.
That is it! In the next few episodes we are going to dive into different elements of your chart. I am going to explain more. But this is how you get your chart. Don’t worry I can totally get it when it is completely overwhelming at first. But bear with me and just take your time with this information. Because it is really interesting to see what it all means. But for now it is just step by step.
Also if you need some help or you want to fast track, that is what I am here for. So what I do for my clients, I do readings so I can digest this information really quickly and translate that into terms of what you can do with that in real life.
The information that you will find in this chart can give you words for how you felt deep down. It can help shine light on certain area’s that you are struggling with. It can help you understand how you digest information and you can use it in your business!
There is also a lot of information out there on the internet. So if you want to do all the research by yourself. There is a lot of information out there. But if you want a faster route then maybe consider working with somebody. Or with me!
Thank you so much for sharing a piece of you’re day with me while listening to the Palmtree Talks Podcast. Did you find it interesting and want to learn more about stress reduction, mindset and Human Design? Be sure to check out the free resources at palmtreemoments.com.
Do you have any questions for the podcast? As a sacral 5/1 generator I love to respond to your questions. Send me an audio message or DM to my instagram @palmtree.moments and your question might end up in an episode. And if you haven’t already, subscribe to this podcast and leave a review. It really helps to get the word out to other people who might benefit from experiencing less stress and live a life with more flow and self love.
Have a happy morning, evening or afternoon, where ever you are listening from and until next time.
Your Human Design Chart is based on your birthday, your birthplace and your birth time.
Go to palmtreemoments.com, my website and navigate to “Free Resources” and click on “create your own free Human Design Chart”.
Fill in the form and you will be directed to the right source.
You will also get a few emails from me explaining your chart and how to read the basics of it, since it is a pretty complex system.
In the form fill in your day, the month and year of your birthday.
Then the form asks for the hour of your birth and the minutes. Please note to use the 24 hours time scale. No AM or PM in this form as it is used globally.
I do get a lot of questions about how important the birth time is because not everybody knows there birth time.
The short answer is: yes it is very important. And I will tell you why.
The Human Design system has many many layers. It is a mechanical calculation of the position of the planets and therefore how they affected the neutrino energy stream.
The tiny tiny little particle that most scientist refer to as “dark matter”. There is still a lot to figure out by quantum astrophysics about this particle, but we do know that this tiniest particle of the universe contains mass and energy.
The Human Design system proposes that it contains energy and information. And the mechanical calculation of your chart is based on this data.
So if you want to know how you are energetically wired, than the more specific your birth time is, the more trust can you place in the accuracy of your chart.
In the Human Design system we work with gates, that have lines and then color, base & tone. Resulting in billions of combinations.
There are 64 gates with 6 lines each. That is a total of 384 lines. We get 70% of our energy from the sun and the sun “travels through the wheel aka the Rave Mandala” in about 6 days.
If you happen to be born on a time where the sun transits to another line you might end up with a completely different combination of your “definition” in your Human Design chart.
So within a few minutes you can have a different profile for example.
I am aware that what I am telling you about this piece is quite advanced information. If you will follow my podcast I will try to explain step by step what this all means, But for now the conclusion is yes, your birth time is really really important.
So for many people this is the first step, figuring out when you are born.
The easiest way to figure that out is to simply ask your parents if you have that ability to do so.
Giving birth is a pretty memorable life event so I am sure that your parents might recall what happened on the day that you where born.
If they don’t know for sure, perhaps you can get a “morning, afternoon, evening or night” reference that might help you narrow down the time period.
And at least it’s an interesting conversation starter to have a deep conversation with your parents about how you entered this world!
Another option is to look for your birth announcement card. The birth time might be written next to your weight & height.
A third options is to ask your local government for your birth certificate. You where registered when you where born and the government keeps a records of your birth in their database.
If all options fail, do an estimated guess. You can run your chart multiple times for free. So then a good option would be to fill in 8 o clock in the morning, 2 o clock in the afternoon, 8 o’clock in the evening and 2 o clock in the night.
When you have your four charts downloaded, you can compare them and see of there are any visible changes.
Look at the “Profile” and look and the black and red lines in your chart.
The last data you need is your birthplace in the form of the country and city. This is used to calculate the timezone so the software system can calculate your chart back to Greenwich Mean Time.
If the system doesn’t pick up the village or town that you where born, choose a nearby city in the same timezone. And you will get the same results.
Alright, so then we have all the information in place.
You can click on calculate. And you will see a picture and some text on the screen.
And that’s it.
Click on download so you will have a PDF version of your chart stored on your mobile or your laptop.
You can fill in this form multiple times so you can download your parents, friends, siblings, partners.
Even grandparents because you can run a chart with this free system until 100 years ago.
I actually ran my grandparents charts once and even though they died I could still decipher their charts and have deep conversations with my parents about their personalities.
So it’s pretty cool to dive into this free resource.
So then you have your chart in front of you. If you do not have your chart just yet. Pause this podcast and go fill in the form now so you can follow along.
You will see a title called “Your Human Design Chart” and underneath there is an image shown.
I can imagine that the first that you see this image, it does not say a whole lot to you. And that is okey. If you follow this podcast series we will go over the basics step by step.
The image shows your definition. And that is the sum of two data sets. Your black personality gate activations on the right. And your 13 design gate activations on the left. The black is based on your birthday and the red is your design date about 88 days before your birthday.
Basically it shows us the positions of the planets, starting with our sun at the very top of the list. The cirkel with the cross is the symbol for the earth. Then we have the moon. The north node and the south node, these are astronomical points in the sky, not planets. But you might recognize these two points from astrology.
Then we have Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
And all the way down t Pluto. And these are the planets based on your birth time. The Human Design systems is from the early nighties and in that time period Pluto was still considered a planet. In 2006 the status of Pluto was downgraded to a Dwarf Planet. But, since I lived in the town, Flagstaff Arizona where in the Lowell Observatory Pluto was discovered, in my book Pluto will always remain a planet to me!
Anyway, getting back to our chart. Okey, so you see the 13 black number of the right and the 13 red number of the left.
These numbers corresponds in the chart that is displayed in the middle with all the 64 gates. This is an element from the Chinese I-Ching and that is 3000 year old wisdom about the themes of life. The gates are place in the 9 squares or triangels that we we call “centers”. This element comes from the chakra system. Note that according to the Human Design system we evolved from the 7 chakra beings to 9 chakra beings.
You will see a purple round at the corresponding gate and either a black of red line that comes from that gate number. Or perhaps you see a red and black striped line. That means that you have the gate double defined, both in your design and in your personality.
Maybe you see a long red line connecting two centers together. If that is the case the center has a color. That means that two gates form a connection and energy flows here. We call that a channel. They kind of turn the center “on” like a light bulb. And we call this a defined center. If the center is white but you do see some purple gate in that center this is an undefined center. If there are no purple gates in a white triangle or square than we call this an open center.
You will also see 4 arrows pointing either to the right or the left. We call these the variables or the four transformations. This is one of the most deep layers in the Human Design system. But for digital nomads, location independent entrepreneurs and travelers this is a very interesting part because it shows in what kind of environment you thrive. I will come back to this topic later when we got the basics down!
These line aka your definitions tell me, as a Human Design & Business Coach a lot. And if you want to get some help decipher your chart, well that is what I do for a living.
Anyway, there is also some text next to your chart image.
Let’s start with Type. There are 5 options here. There are four types and one subtype.
You will either see Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector here.
No type is better than the other. Some types are more frequent than others but there is no right or wrong in this system. It is just what it is. There is only one you and you have a unique definition. It is not likely to encounter anyone that has the exact same definition as you. Even twins born close together might share the same personality characteristics, but still the energy shines different through them. With the special software that I use for clients when I do a reading I can dive deeper into the layers of color base and tone. And it really fascinating to look at charts of twins, I can tell you that.
You are completely unique, so celebrate your uniqueness! Do not compare yourself with others. Because there is only one you and it’s all about embracing who you are.
Going back to Type. Every type has a certain strategy attached to it. This is how you navigate through life.
Remember that I talked in the first episode about that we are all a boat drifting on the ocean and that the Human Design chart can act as manual. Well strategy is the way to navigate. Where as inner authority is the way to make choices about going left or right. But your strategy is attached to your type.
We will definitely dive deeper into this in a future episode. Because this is really what it comes down to. It’s type and strategy and authority. That’s it. That is the basics and the beginning of Human Design. All the other stuff is just really cool and lots of fun mental information to dive into. But if you really want to start applying Human Design in your life it is Type, Strategy and Authority.
Underneath Type and Strategy you see the not-self theme.
You can see it als an alarm bell actually. When your drifting off course, when you are not in alignment, you will feel this feeling.
So you’re not self theme can really help you to kind of see when it is time to make new choices in your life. And again, it’s connected to your type. So depending on your type there is a certain Not Self theme.
We will dive into that a little bit later in this series.
Then we see the Inner Authority. And the Inner Authority is based on the centers which are on and off and how they are wired. And there is a hierarchy. It tells you a lot about how to make decisions.
Mine is Sacral. I have a Sacral authority. Also what makes me a Generator. But what that means is that I am really good at following my gut feeling. My gut feeling is my one key that shows me how to make decisions. From a body standpoint of view. So not with a mental decision but what my body wants, it is all about gut feeling for me.
Underneath that we have the Profile. And the profile are two line numbers that you can see after the dot of the gate number from your personality sun and your design earth.
So I am a 5/1 and you can see that both the earth and the sun on my Personality side are a 5. And then on my Design side I have a 1. That is why it is a 5/1. So personality first, black first. Because that is what we can identify with. And then Design because that is unconscious. Black is conscious, Red is unconscious. So 5/1.
And your profile is something that is really, it is kind of like the costume you are wearing. It is like why everybody is behaving so differently. We experience the exact same situation but everybody deals with it differently. That is what Profile does.
Perhaps you have seen people identify themselves on LinkedIn with their Human Design information. And the would say “Heey, nice to meet you, I am a 5/1 Sacral Generator.
So that is my profile with my Inner Authority and my Type.
And for people who are a little bit more familiar with Human Design this already gives them a lot of information.
The last two items that are shown are “Definition”. This tells me how you digest information. And you have a few options here. It is either Single, Split or Quadruple or Triple Split. And this has everything to do with how your centers are connected. And how the energy flows in your chart.
And then the last piece of information that you will see on this part is the
Incarnation cross. These are 4 gate numbers. The 4 gate numbers from your Personality sun and your Personality earth and your Design Sun and Design Earth. You will see a text with is either left angle or right angle. I am a left angle Cross of Healing. Then you see 4 numbers. I am a 25, 46 and a 58 and 52. And that is my Left Angle Cross of Healing. Incarnation Crosses give you a hint of your purpose in life. But again, this is a very deep layer of the Human Design System and since we are still covering our basics here, let’s not worry about that for now.
That is it! In the next few episodes we are going to dive into different elements of your chart. I am going to explain more. But this is how you get your chart. Don’t worry I can totally get it when it is completely overwhelming at first. But bear with me and just take your time with this information. Because it is really interesting to see what it all means. But for now it is just step by step.
Also if you need some help or you want to fast track, that is what I am here for. So what I do for my clients, I do readings so I can digest this information really quickly and translate that into terms of what you can do with that in real life.
The information that you will find in this chart can give you words for how you felt deep down. It can help shine light on certain area’s that you are struggling with. It can help you understand how you digest information and you can use it in your business!
There is also a lot of information out there on the internet. So if you want to do all the research by yourself. There is a lot of information out there. But if you want a faster route then maybe consider working with somebody. Or with me!
Thank you so much for sharing a piece of you’re day with me while listening to the Palmtree Talks Podcast. Did you find it interesting and want to learn more about stress reduction, mindset and Human Design? Be sure to check out the free resources at palmtreemoments.com.
Do you have any questions for the podcast? As a sacral 5/1 generator I love to respond to your questions. Send me an audio message or DM to my instagram @palmtree.moments and your question might end up in an episode. And if you haven’t already, subscribe to this podcast and leave a review. It really helps to get the word out to other people who might benefit from experiencing less stress and live a life with more flow and self love.
Have a happy morning, evening or afternoon, where ever you are listening from and until next time.
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