difference between manifesting generator and generator

What is the difference between a Manifesting Generator and a Generator?

In this blog we’re diving into the fascinating world of Human Design to understand the difference between the manifesting generator and the generator.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have boundless energy and are always moving from one project to another, while others thrive when they’re deeply engaged in a single task? Well, that’s where Human Design comes in. It offers valuable insights into our individual energy dynamics, preferences, and life paths.

In this blog and podcast episode I help you understand what the difference is between these two terms. Are they different types of the Human Design system? 

The answer is no, both fall under the same aura type of the Generators. However, their energy shines differently through them. In essence it has a lot to do with how they obtain the feeling of satisfaction. Let’s dive into the differences!

Key Take Aways

  • The defined Sacral center is the similarity between a Manifesting Generator and a Generator. This is one of the nine centers of the Human Design system. 
  • They are both part of the same aura type of the Generators and the strategy of “Waiting to respond” applies to them both. 
  • The only “job” you have is to give yourself the permission to place the feeling of satisfaction 
  • Ask yourself this question: When your head hits your pillow at night, do you feel satisfied about your day?
  • Manifesting Generators loves shortcuts and can pivot quickly. It is about the efficient use of their sarcal energy. 
  • While Generators rather love to devote themselves to one thing at the time and move in a step by step process. The route to joy and satisfaction lies in the mastering the completion of a process. 

Are you a Manifesting Generator or a Generator?

If you don’t know what your type is in the Human Design system. Well, let’s find out. If you fill in your birth day, birth time and your birth place in the below for you can Create your free Human Design Chart. Underneath the graphic of your bodygraph you will find what type you are. 

There are Four Types in the Human Design system

Before we delve into the details, let’s recap the basic foundation. In Human Design, we recognize four primary types: the Generator, the Manifestor, the Projector, and the Reflector. Each type possesses a distinct energy exchange with their environment through their aura.

However, when the term “Manifesting Generator” is mentioned, it refers to a hybrid or subtype. The Manifesting Generator is essentially a Generator with manifesting properties. It’s important to note that the Manifesting Generator is still a Generator, meaning the strategy of waiting to respond applies to them as well. In a later episode in this blog series we are diver deeper into the different strategies per type.

The similarity between a Pure Generator and a Manifesting Generator is the defined sacral center.

If you want to look at the Sacral Center in your Human Design chart. Its the square almost at the bottom of the chart that “kind of have the two wings” in the form of two triangles, the Spleen and the Solar Plexus. The bottom rectangle is the Root and the one just above it, that is the Sacral center.

So what sets the Manifesting Generators apart from the Generators?

The difference between a Manifesting Generator and a Generator is the additional connection they have—a motor connection to their throat—on top of their defined sacral center.

This unique blend of energy and creativity empowers Manifesting Generators to excel in manifesting their desires and bringing their ideas to fruition.

If you would have a connection between the throat center and a motor center but the sacral center is white, so open or undefined, then you would be a Manifester. So the key to being a Manifesting Generator is a defined or colored Sacral Center.

Manifesting Generators possess abundant energy and drive, which they can channel into creating and manifesting their goals and desires. However, it’s crucial to understand that being a Manifesting Generator does not make them a “Manifestor.” The strategy of waiting to respond can be challenging for Manifesting Generators due to their quick-paced nature, often leading to missteps.

With their enormous energy capacity and potential, Manifesting Generators thrive on change, variety, and stimulation. They have a natural inclination towards needing multiple satisfying outlets for their energy. It’s their unique wiring that allows them to experience the world with such intensity and adaptability.

The classic definition of a Manifesting Generator lies in the Channel of Charisma: that is the connection between the 34th gate of “Power” in the sacral center and the 20th gate of the “Now” in the throat center. It’s worth noting that Manifesting Generators can also have different definitions through various other channels. 

An indirect channel between a motor center and the throat. For example via the Spleen. In this blog you can learn more about the 36 channels of the Human Design system. 

How to avoid overwhelm as a Manifesting Generator?

In the blog about Generators we talked about the humming of the Pure Generators. While the traditional sacral response in Generators is often expressed through guttural sounds like “uh-huh” or “uh-uh,” Manifesting Generators may express this channel verbally as a simple “yes” or “no” using their voice.

To embrace their authenticity, Manifesting Generators need to trust their own inner guidance and not overly rely on the responses of others. Additionally, it’s crucial for them to be mindful of taking on only a few projects at a time. Manifesting Generators have a tendency to become overwhelmed and burnt out due to their enthusiastic and fast-paced nature.

On the other hand, Generators move step by step, displaying thoroughness and patience. This doesn’t mean they are necessarily slow, and it certainly doesn’t imply they are always behind Manifesting Generators. In fact, sometimes Manifesting Generators find themselves needing to backtrack and redo certain steps they skipped over, which consumes time and energy. Meanwhile, Generators continue their steady progression forward, step by step.

The story of the Tortoise and the Hare

To illustrate the difference between the manifesting generators and the generators, let’s revisit the classic story of the tortoise and the hare.

We can clarify the difference between a manifesting generator or the express builder in the BG5 business language and a generator or classical builder, through the story of the tortoise and the hare. Both enter the race.

The tortoise is going step by step towards the finish line, he may not go as fast as other animals, but he is consistent in his pace. The hare jumps from place to place. From A to Z to C to H. He seems “all over the place” and gets so distracted that he forgets he is competing.

As the tortoise walks across the finish line, through his step-by-step process, the hare realizes that he must hurry to get across the finish line quickly as well. He thought he was moving fast, but he was still overtaken by the slower tortoise.

So the hare was incredibly fast but easily distracted, while the tortoise was slow and steady. In that way, the hare represents the manifesting generator, and the tortoise represents the generator in the Human Design system.

Manifesting generators, like the hare, have a lot of energy that allows them to juggle multiple interests and projects simultaneously. They often have bursts of speed and enthusiasm, just like the hare racing through the meadow. These individuals are known for their ability to manifest their desires swiftly and jump from one opportunity to another.

On the other hand, generators, like the tortoise, have a consistent and sustainable energy that thrives when they’re deeply engaged in something that aligns with their passions.

They may not be the quickest off the mark, but once they set their focus on a specific task or goal, they have the endurance to go the distance.

Just as the tortoise and the hare had different approaches to the race, manifesting generators and generators have unique qualities. However, it’s important to note that everyone’s Human Design is complex and consists of multiple elements beyond just their definition and their type.

While the manifesting generator might have a faster pace, both the manifesting generator and the generator have their unique strengths and contributions to make. It’s all about embracing your own energy and leveraging it in a way that aligns with your authentic self.

How can understanding these differences between a Manifesting Generator and a Generator benefit you?

By recognizing whether you’re a manifesting generator or a generator yourself you can align your actions and decisions with your energy type, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life. But understanding the different types (Generator, Projector, Manifestor, Reflector) and how different their energy shines through them can also you help you have more compassion or patience with the people around you. It literally can be a lifesaver for your relationships!

It’s very useful to know what the different types of your immediate family members are. Or your partner. This will give you a lot of insights in understanding certain parts of behavior but also some patterns in your own childhood growing up. 

And especially when you are feeling a bit hollow or purposeless diving into personal development can really give you some answers to the questions “who am I?”, “Why do I feel like I am so different compared to my social circle? “What do I need to belong?” and “Why am I so scared to step outside my comfort zone”. To dive into these question, it might be useful to book a Human Design reading to speed up your practical knowledge about this fascinating personal development system. In the two zoom conversations that we have I am helping you address these question by revealing what the story of your chart gives me and how you can practically use these insights is your daily life. 

How can you use the insights about the types in your Business?

Also from a business point of view it can be very insightful, 66.27% of the world is a generator according to the data of the Jovian Archive calculated from 43 million charts. If you would translate that to your target group, then 66.27% of your target group is benefitting from yes / no question instead of all the open question fire at them constantly in your customer journey and sales process. As a marketer with 20 years experience in the field of Marketing I now apply the insights of Human Design in my own business. And I help entrepreneurs with their aligned marketing strategy in the 1:1 coaching program Marketing by Design.

Going back to our topic about the differences between a Generator and a Manifesting Generator it’s also interesting to consider the utility of a checklist. Generators would appreciate a checklist because it allows them to check off completed tasks and witness their progress. On the other hand, Manifesting Generators would find it useful as a tool to stay focused on what needs to be done, helping them avoid those frustrating moments of realizing they missed something important due to their quick pace.

A trait of a Manifesting Generator is their ability to make quick adjustments!

In my conversation with my coaching clients I use this metaphor to explain the difference between a Generator and a Manifesting Generator. In the blog about the Generators I talked about the metaphor of the Generator being the diesel train. Slow and steady, but you must slow down if you want to pivot your course. The diesel train can go on and on and on and only takes small breaks at the stations before they go onwards again.

Well the Manifesting Generator is a Formula 1 race car. It can move really really fast. But in order to sustain that energy on that level there must be a two weeks rest period in between the races. Manifesting energy comes in burst. And Formula 1 can cannot perform not stop at that speed and power that it displays at a race. It needs downtime as well otherwise the rubber melts away from the wheel, right?

One notable trait of a Manifesting Generator is their ability to make quick adjustments. They possess a natural talent for finding shortcuts and discovering faster or easier ways to accomplish tasks. However, this swift approach can sometimes result in skipping important steps or details, requiring the Manifesting Generator to go back and make adjustments later on.

While the ability to see shortcuts is indeed an asset, it’s crucial for Manifesting Generators to find a balance between efficiency and thoroughness. Awareness of their tendency to take shortcuts enables them to make conscious decisions about when it’s appropriate to streamline their actions and when it’s necessary to slow down and ensure all aspects are properly addressed.

How a Manifesting Generator expresses Sacral sounds

Another key difference lies in how Manifesting Generators engage with their primal response, which is typically expressed through sound from their sacral center to their motor-throat connection. Manifesting Generators have a unique ability to override this primal response more easily than other types. As a result, they often get a taste of the action to confirm whether it aligns with their true energy.

For example. 

If you ask a manifesting generator if he or she would like to go for a walk. A generator can make a decision and then that’s it. It is either going or not going. But a Manifesting Generator will need to dip their toe in the water first. He or she might collect his hiking boots and get his jacket on and when he or she steps out of the door, this is when the decision to go is made.

Often they are blamed with being fickle, but this is just how their energy works and how their decision making process works. So be gentle with them. And again, compassion right. 

If you understand these differences you get more compassion for the people around you. Instead of thinking about the time “Why do you change your mind all the time?”. And all the mental thought we have based on an action like this. Being fickle like this “the shall I go or shall I not go”. Everybody works different. And understanding those differences can just really help with your general love for people around you.  

So, to sum it up, while both Generators and Manifesting Generators have a defined sacral center and generate their life force energy from there, Manifesting Generators also have a direct line between their throat center and a motor center. This additional connection grants them a special ability to manifest their desires swiftly and creatively, but they still share the fundamental strategy of waiting to respond with their fellow Generators.

Appreciate the unique qualities and potentials of the different types from the Human Design system

As we wrap up today’s blog, it’s important to appreciate the unique qualities and potentials of the different types from the Human Design system. And understanding and embracing your own specific Human Design type, whether you’re a Generator or a Manifesting Generator or a Projector, Manifestor or Reflector. This empowers you to make decisions and take actions in alignment with your authentic self and maximize your creative potential. 

The beauty of this system is that it not only helps you with self love and self acceptance but it also gives us compassion for why the other is not behaving like you. They are wired differently! Everybody on this beautiful planet earth has a different energetic blueprint, just like our fingerprints are unique to us.  Human Design is not a quick process. It takes time to get familiar with the language of this system. But most of all, it’s about the practical application of personal development in your daily life. I invite you to look in the mirror and ask yourself the question of you have the mental capacity to learn more about this system? 

How can you quickly learn more about your personal Human Design chart?

You can find a lot of information about Human Design on instagram, via podcasts and on the internet. A Human Design Reading is a quick path to not have to deep dive into this material and find the nuggets that applies to you, that is what I have done for you. It is not for nothing that I create a presentation about the relevant parts for our two online coaching sessions. 

You will get my practical and business oriented 5/1 perspective about the embodiment and application if this system in your daily life if you want to book a reading with me! I also create custom made written personal ebooks about your chart. 

As we wrap up today’s blog, it’s important to appreciate the unique qualities and potentials of the different types from the Human Design system. And understanding and embracing your own specific Human Design type, whether you’re a Generator or a Manifesting Generator or a Projector, Manifestor or Reflector. This empowers you to make decisions and take actions in alignment with your authentic self and maximize your creative potential!

Instead of reading you can also listen to the podcast episode about the difference between a Manifesting Generator and a Generator

Or, listen on your favorite app: SpotifyApple iTunesCastbox, Tune In, Stitcher or Pandora.

Do you have any questions for the podcast? As a sacral 5/1 generator I love to respond to your questions. Send me an audio message or DM to my instagram @palmtree.moments and your question might end up in an episode of the Travel and Work with Human Design podcast.

Have a happy morning, evening or afternoon, where ever you are reading this blog from and check the below blogs if you want to continue reading about the Human Design system, mindset and how to use it practically in your travel and work life.