Human Design keys of personal development

The Human Design System knowledge can act as a key to unlock inner work in your personal development journey

The little nuggets of information about the Human Design system act like key to unlock your personal development journey. Sometimes you find a nugget of information on instagram or in a podcast and you can take a mental note of it. But are you ready to fully embody it or does it remain a mental piece of knowledge? 

In your Human Design experiment there is an order of how to use the keys of the personal development system. In this episode I am chatting away about this hierarchy of nuggets of information about the Human Design System.

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Key Take Aways

  • Human Design knowledge van bring you keys to unlock inner work.
  • There is a hierarchy in the order of the Human Design knowledge you can use in your personal development journey.
  • If you found knowledge about the variables or another deep layer of the Human Design system it is like you found a key to a tiny box that is protected in a vault. Perhaps you first need to step into the bank to access and unlock that information within. 
  • Energy type, Strategy & Authority are the first doors to unlock
  • Profile is useful if you want to incorporate Human Design in your Business and especially in your marketing strategy. 



“Maybe you have keys of personal development already within reach. I mean, you just need to grab them and find the right door to unlock them. What you do with those keys, that’s up to you. And with human design, we definitely have a strategy to do that.”

Welcome to Palm Tree Talks. I invite you to join me as I dive into the personal development system called human design. Let’s talk about travel, business, mindset, self love. How to translate the insights of the human design system into your travel and work life.

In today’s episode I want to talk about the keys of the human design system.

So often I refer to the keys as It’s the little nuggets of information that I give to my clients about the human design system. And I always say as a kind of a disclaimer, I’ll give you the keys, but it’s up to you to take that key, to look at the key from all the different kinds of angles, to find the door that it fits in your inner self at the blockades, the inner blocks that you have, the barriers, the resistance.

The things that frustrate you or you feel bitter about or you’re angry about and then it’s up to you to unlock the door, right, and walk through it. So maybe you grab the key, you look at it, and you think, okay, not for me right now, and you mentally store that key. Maybe you’ve downloaded your chart and you saw the picture and you’re just like, okay, that’s too complicated.

I don’t get it. Um, yeah, no, not for me right now. I’ll deal with it later. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, but I don’t get it. It’s too complicated. It happened to me, like I got a key of knowledge and then I put it away in a mental box and I wasn’t ready for it. And then a couple months later it came back, but I was just like, Oh, now I’m interested.

Now I’m going to unlock this door and then once I was to the first door, the rest of the doors followed. So, maybe you have keys of personal development already within reach. I mean, you just need to grab them and find the right door to unlock them. What you do with those keys, that’s up to you. And with Human Design, we definitely have a strategy to do that.

And there’s a hierarchy of keys, of course, because it doesn’t really matter if you have a key. For example, you have a key of a very specific element in the human design system. For me, that was the variables and especially environment. I mean, as a traveler, I really, really liked that piece about the environment.

But having that key without me understanding my type and my strategy and authority doesn’t really do anything for me just yet. Because basically I found a key of this little tiny box that it’s sitting inside of a vault. And I kind of imagine the Harry Potter Gringott’s Vault. I’ve been watching Harry Potter not so long ago.

It’s like you have this tiny little key that is a really small box and that’s sitting in a vault. But you need to get access to that vault.

And to get access to that vault, you need a whole set of doors that you need to unlock. Another reference that just comes to mind is when I was a kid, I used to play Prince of Persia.

And if you want to save the princess, you have to go to all these doors, like door to door to door. That’s kind of how it works with these keys as well. So all the different elements in the human design system are all different keys. And if you found one key, that’s great. But did you get the right key?

Did you get the right order? You can have all those keys, but if you are unable to unlock that door because the key doesn’t fit just yet because you first have to solve some other things, that is something to consider.

So there is definitely a hierarchy in how we look at the human design chart. And the first and most important key is type.

What your energy type is, is really a big key. Experimenting with your energy type. That is step one. With type comes strategy. That’s the second key. Strategy is always attached to type, but strategy also applies to channels, because we have projected channels, we have manifested channels, we have generated channels.

So there are two elements to that strategy, but first we connect that with type.

Then comes authority, that’s our decision making tool and authority is really a way to decondition as well. And that is a very big key to unlock. If you start experimenting with your authority and we’re going to dive into that topic a little bit later in this podcast series, it’s fascinating stuff, but authority and decision making tools, that’s one of the biggest door you will actually enter through.

It’s like, that’s the big entrance of the really big golden door. Can you imagine that scene in the Harry Potter film that the goblin just takes his nail and he just scratches that door and all those little locks open up? That’s kind of what I envision when I’m talking about the decision making tool and that’s the authority in the human design system.

If you walk through that door, then we’ve got centers, our open centers and undefined centers and our defined centers. And the pitfalls that are coming from the self and the not self. And everything that relates to how we affect other people with our centers. And how other people affect us with our openness.

Another big door. Then we look at profile. Profile is basically the costume we play. It’s the cloak that we’re wearing. It’s how we do life, essentially, without us knowing it’s all subconscious this, right? That’s another very important one. And especially if you look at marketing profile is very important.

And since I’m a marketer and that is something that I’m still very passionate about, I think profiles are really interesting to dive into, especially with my clients. Another key is definition. So if you are a single definition or a split, are you a wide split or a narrow split, a triple split, or are you a quadruple split?

And then we slowly, slowly go deeper and deeper. Next up, channels. What are your core strengths? What is your natural thing that you always can rely on your core qualities in life? Then we have The projected channels and the manifested channels and the generated channels. So we look at the channels from the angle of where it is in the definition.

So we have channels, then we have circuitry. Next up are gates. Then we have awareness centers. And then maybe… Maybe, then there are the variables, then there’s money by design, then there’s marketing by design. And I love to talk about those deeper layers, you know, that’s one of the deepest layers of the human design system, but it’s so much fun.

But if he’s just starting out. It’s like, okay, you found this little nugget of information, which is great. And definitely you can experiment with it, but you will see your experiment when you’re working with unlocking those doors, that your experience will change over time. Because as soon as you walk to a door, you experience a whole new thing, right?

Even though you mentally know something. It’s about embodiment. And human design is all about experimentation and embodiment. So yeah, what are you going to do with your keys that you get to your personal development journey and don’t forget human design is one Personal development tool, right? I mean there are so many different ways to experience personal development.

I mean travel is personal development. Travel makes you come in contact with a lot of different places and a different perspective. New people that just bumps into you, that life puts on your path, that for some reason you were meant to bump into each other. You’ve got all these unexpected things happening.

I mean, when you are in your nine to five, there’s a lot of predictability. Like you go to the same motions every day. And when you’re traveling, It’s one big unknown adventure, right? You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. And that uncertainty can bring a lot of growth opportunities, because you will learn who you are, what you’re good at, what you’re not good at, what you like, what you want, what you desire.

Another personal development journey is entrepreneurship. So I work with a lot of location independent entrepreneurs. I also work with freelancers and remote workers. But especially when you are switching to entrepreneurship, that’s a whole different journey in itself, right? There are so many thoughts.

There’s so many limiting beliefs that come up whenever you’re doing something that’s difficult or uncomfortable. There’s so many things that you need to step out of your comfort zone. To be an entrepreneur, right? Because there’s just so much more happening into your business. You need to think of so many other things that you would normally as an employee, don’t even have to think about.

You just do your job and that’s it. Maybe you hand off the rest of your boss if you don’t want to deal with certain things. But as an entrepreneur, you have to deal with everything. It’s your business. You are your business. And especially when you look at human design, that’s why I specifically called my one on one coaching program, Marketing by Design, because if you are your business, then the way how you do marketing reflects so much of who you are at your core being, especially if we want to do authentic marketing.

And that’s something that I just want to leave you with. I mean, personal development is all around us. There are so many different tools. There are so many different opportunities for personal growth in your normal life. But also, you know, if you seek out different things, if you seek out things like Breathwork or Kundalini workshops or Reiki, whatever comes up into your sphere.

Human design is definitely the personal development tool that came into my life, but it’s taking it step by step. And maybe I’m saying that because I’m a generator a sacral 5/ 1 generator. So all the knowledge that I give you is filtered to who I am, because that’s who I am. Right? I am a generator. You are listening to a human being who is a generator and who’s seeing the world through the generator lens.

And I know from theory how it is for other people. And I know a little bit about the experiences other types have through conversations and workshops and knowledge. But, I will always see you through my lens, which is my generator lens, right? My Sacral 5/ 1 generator lens. But anyway, I just wanted to invite you to step up.

If you get some keys for personal development, it’s up to you. Nobody is going to save you. You have to grab that key and put it into your lock, unlock it, and walk to the door. And that’s inner work. I think inner work is definitely the most hard job you will ever do. It’s also the most rewarding because when you are on the other side of your personal development growth journey, and we grow in phases, right?

But if you’re on the other side of that journey, It’s so rewarding and when you look back to your old version and the only thing that you could think of is like why did I do this earlier, right? But that doesn’t mean that it’s always easy because whenever you walk through a door you might unlock a can of worms or a  room full of pixies.

Again, with the Harry Potter reference.

But you need to work through that, and that’s something that, you need a lot of courage to do that. Not everybody is ready to step up and deal with that inner backpack that they’re been carrying around when they’re traveling. Because it’s not a matter of if you will encounter situations that you need to work on your personal development, like big traumas.

The death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a severe illness. I mean, those are really the moments that personal development will probably come on your path because you’re kind of forced into it. But if you seek it out because you’re curious, or because you have a desire to grow, or because I’ve been saying that it’s so nice to have a life of no stress, and you’re curious how I achieve that.

Well, then I just invite you to take the keys I will give you and that other people will give you and to do something with it. And that’s it for today. I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you next time.

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Have a happy morning, afternoon or evening, wherever in the world you’re listening from.