Hexagon of Freedom
Coaching program

Make your travel dream a reality

Next group starts in March 2025

Coaching, Commitment & Community

Do you feel stressed out in your life as an online entrepreneur, freelancer or digital nomad? Do you want to gain more freedom from your inner critic? Overcome decision fatigue? Or work on unpacking your “inner backpack” that you’ve been carrying around? 

Human Design is a self awareness tool that can help you gain more clarity and insights to create a life of freedom & flow. 

Are you ready to learn and experiment with Human Design in your  business and in your (travel) life? Great! 

It is truly a valuable experience to have the interaction with a group of likeminded people, especially since we can all learn from experience in our personal development process.

That is why I created a hybrid coaching program called the Hexagon of Freedom. 

You can read all about the group coaching program here! 

Together we dive into the energetic blueprints in the weekly sessions. And together we grow and become more self aware about the uniqueness we all bring to the table. Do I see you on the inside?

Do you want to get the details via email? Sign up via the below form to get more information about this program. 

Join the waiting list for the next round in 2025

Receive more information about the next round of the Hexagon of Freedom program in 2025